Well, indeed, I began to appreciate that I am a Chinese. This means that I do not stick out like a sore thumb as compared to me travelling in India or Pakistan. Hey, at least I dun glow in the dark!
As I was happily thinking that I don't look like a tourist-which therefore will reduce the attention from the locals, I still got my stuffs stolen. It happened in Chong Qing ferry terminal. I was waiting for my cruise to come.
I was actually going for a 4 days, 3 night’s journey along the Yangzte River. Heard that after the dam is completed, the water level will rise up to 750 meters to generate enough energy (70 megawatts) to cater to the ever-increasing population of China. This mega project had caused a lot of those coastal villages will be submerged underneath the water. Hence, a great movement of the villagers was initiated. This was a much talked about issue, however, I wasn’t so interested in all these. All I could think of was my lost ipod, my SLR camera, my tele-zoom lens (that cost me about $2000), my wallet, my handphone and my 14 rolls of film.
That was actually a great loss, not only in terms of monetary aspect, but also, my mood to continue with the travel. What affected me most was the entire process of making a police report. It took me 3 hours to settle on that report, with 2 fat and sweaty policemen who smoked like factory chimneys throughout the entire process. I was in a small enclosed room in a dodgy-looking police station with them, trying hard to convince that my stuffs was stolen and NOT misplaced, which they insisted so. So I was really smoked out, by the smoke from their mouth, both figuratively and literally.
It was raining quite heavily that night, and I was also encountering a big storm within myself.
I was blinded with my personal material loss and therefore, wasn’t so appreciative of the surrounding scenery and the severe hardships of the villagers whom I have encountered along the way. I cannot bother if they are suffering or not, because deep inside me, I have hardened my heart. I thought that it is their retribution that such suffering came upon them. I just wanted to find something to gloat at them, to make myself feel better.
Guilt soon overcame me. I felt remorseful about my thoughts and the way I reacted. What is my 'suffering’ compared to theirs? I felt sore because I just cannot swallow the fact that people steals. But, who am I to judge them? If I am given with their living conditions, will I resort to stealing as well? With the temptation of having more money to feed my family, to provide education for my children, to buy myself more cows and sheep to make my life better, will I do it? Will you do it?
However, after losing all those so called 'precious' things in my life, I became simpler. Sometimes things that are important to you don’t seem that important anymore...without all these, I am starting again from square one. I guess when I fewer possessions, people and friends have become my treasures. I am glad that I have a friend who will always stand by me when shitty things like these happen. Thank you Cui'e!
I used to take a lot of pictures when I saw many beautiful things because I want to capture all these moments with my lens and share the beauty with those who are precious to me, yet not with me for this trip. However, since the lost of my camera, I began to take pictures with just my eyes and mind. Now that the pictures are printed on my mind's negatives and I don’t know how long will they stay inside my head?
I have learnt that everything happened for a reason. I thank God for my health and the health that He blessed my parents with. And soon, I forgot about my loss and move on with my journey. I learnt to be thankful that I lost my material objects and not a home, just like those who have stayed along the Yangzte River for many generations.
This blog is for those who are around me to share my world
Reflections and thoughts I have gathered for myself during my 9-month stay in China. I hope this blog will be able to bless each and everyone of you in what ever ways that God wants it to be. "What is enriching to the eyes will be enriching to the mind, and what is enriching to the mind will in turn be enriching to the soul." - Natalie
Thursday, 31 May 2007
The 'fairy' tales starts here

I don’t know what I will write, but of course, every travel tale has its ups ad downs. There could be some which sounded horrid I know. While on the other hand, there could tales that are so heart-warming and enriching to one's soul. The misadventures I have faced, which I think back with a smile, now that its behind me.
Anyway, I hope it had given everyone all a true insight of the daily happenings of ordinary people in this massive piece of land which housed billions and almost a third of the world's population.
All I could say is… all the stories are purely on my personal point of view, my thoughts and feeling at that moment. Well, I do agree I can be quite bias at times. In fact, since the day I was here, I have been hearing horrid stories from backpackers, and even the locals, on what this country can offer. Though horrified, it will not deter me from seeking the truth for myself.
I have heard from many travellers’ tales, but still, insisted that I want to share my stories with you and my world of thoughts, to allow you to see this country through my eyes.
Why this trip?
Thanks for all the patience with my lengthy emails, replies, well wishes and encouragement which has kept me going through this journey.
Before I go on embarking this life journey, I have friends, who have done similar expeditions as well. After been through this journey myself, I can perfectly understand how they feel during certain point of travel and now could easily identified with them regarding the joy, frustrations, anger, lonliness and excitement of travelling into the unfamiliar land.Some of my friends who know that I am going on for this trip told me that they were really green with envious, that I can afford such time and money to go for such trip. Yes, I agreed. Time and money is something I have sacrificed, yet it could also be something that I have gained from this trip as well.
I have gained my wealth in a different aspect, wealth that doesn't belong to the 'normal' world. I couldn't buy a car, or stocks or a house with my wealth. But I felt I am rich. I am rich in my thinking, rich in my soul, rich with wisdom, and to be able to see my inner self more. This wealth is going to stay with me throughout my entire stay on this earth.
Where ever you are, whoever you may be, there is only one thing that you and I have in common and that is all of us have 24 hours each day. You and I are alike at this moment, that is, our moment of existence. You could be existing in another place, doing another thing, or in an office receiving calls, or in a restaurant eating with your loved ones. Or, you could be alone in another country, or could be sitting in an overcrowded train heading to another part of the world.... Time, is constant moving, and we are following (or chasing after) time as well. I was once asked, “Aren’t you wasting your time? And in fact, you are wasting your one year's worth of time!”
Paradoxically, I felt that even though time is ticking always every second, my time has stopped. It’s like I am in another world, in a world of my own and watching the world goes by as an outsider.
Well, we are gaining something or losing something at each moment, at every decision we made. I have gained some and lost some. As of how much of each, I cannot tell exactly. All I can say is that this is a choice I've made and I have to live with it, to whatever consequences that may come. I am not sure if I would be able to get a job after I come back, I am not sure if all my friends or loved ones are still there for me....whatever is it, I guess if I am going to consider all these factors, I will not be able to let go. And so, it is best just to lift all these to the hands of our creator, who will determine how I am going to be after I am back.
Till now, each of my days is so filled up with excitement that I have no regrets in any of my decisions. I want to maintain that way....till the day I exit from this world.

Here are some of the Singapore memories my friends have given to me while I was away in China. Btw, you don't get see all these food in China at all!! Whenever there's anyone from Singapore going over to China to meet me (actually only twice), my dear friends will never fail to brighten up my days with all these 'Happy Food'. The love from my friends is so great that it transcend across miles...and touches me in the most profound way ever. I am blessed with such good friends around me and I will put in my best to take care of the relationships.
Before I go on embarking this life journey, I have friends, who have done similar expeditions as well. After been through this journey myself, I can perfectly understand how they feel during certain point of travel and now could easily identified with them regarding the joy, frustrations, anger, lonliness and excitement of travelling into the unfamiliar land.Some of my friends who know that I am going on for this trip told me that they were really green with envious, that I can afford such time and money to go for such trip. Yes, I agreed. Time and money is something I have sacrificed, yet it could also be something that I have gained from this trip as well.
I have gained my wealth in a different aspect, wealth that doesn't belong to the 'normal' world. I couldn't buy a car, or stocks or a house with my wealth. But I felt I am rich. I am rich in my thinking, rich in my soul, rich with wisdom, and to be able to see my inner self more. This wealth is going to stay with me throughout my entire stay on this earth.
Where ever you are, whoever you may be, there is only one thing that you and I have in common and that is all of us have 24 hours each day. You and I are alike at this moment, that is, our moment of existence. You could be existing in another place, doing another thing, or in an office receiving calls, or in a restaurant eating with your loved ones. Or, you could be alone in another country, or could be sitting in an overcrowded train heading to another part of the world.... Time, is constant moving, and we are following (or chasing after) time as well. I was once asked, “Aren’t you wasting your time? And in fact, you are wasting your one year's worth of time!”
Paradoxically, I felt that even though time is ticking always every second, my time has stopped. It’s like I am in another world, in a world of my own and watching the world goes by as an outsider.
Well, we are gaining something or losing something at each moment, at every decision we made. I have gained some and lost some. As of how much of each, I cannot tell exactly. All I can say is that this is a choice I've made and I have to live with it, to whatever consequences that may come. I am not sure if I would be able to get a job after I come back, I am not sure if all my friends or loved ones are still there for me....whatever is it, I guess if I am going to consider all these factors, I will not be able to let go. And so, it is best just to lift all these to the hands of our creator, who will determine how I am going to be after I am back.
Till now, each of my days is so filled up with excitement that I have no regrets in any of my decisions. I want to maintain that way....till the day I exit from this world.

Here are some of the Singapore memories my friends have given to me while I was away in China. Btw, you don't get see all these food in China at all!! Whenever there's anyone from Singapore going over to China to meet me (actually only twice), my dear friends will never fail to brighten up my days with all these 'Happy Food'. The love from my friends is so great that it transcend across miles...and touches me in the most profound way ever. I am blessed with such good friends around me and I will put in my best to take care of the relationships.
special thanks to those who have walked the path with me
i would like to thanks those good buddies of mine, who allow me to go for this journey of my life. I would like to thank my parents for supporting me all these years and educating me, towards being a person of righteousness and allow me to live my life to its fullest. without the support of my parents, i dun think i will be here "rotting" my time off. i enjoy calling them every now and then, reminiscing my days with them, explaining all those i have encountered and hope that they are here with me to share my joy and frustrations. i promise my parents that i will bring them for a trip one of these days, when i am rich..that is, provided i am rich.
i would like to thank my friends from OBS. i would like to call them friends and not colleagues anymore because they are never my colleagues, but someone as close as my family members. this thanks goes out to all the M3. you guys are my pillars of support during my stay in OBS. i am deeply indebted to you people. thanks for moulding me into the person who i am now. thanks for staying with me when i need help or someone to talk to. i shall specially mention your names and this blog goes out to you guys -
Jacob (for keeping me in prayers, and being someone whom i really really look up to. you are someone who is like an older brother, always keeping an eye on me and remind me when i stray away);
LJ, who helped me apply for my leave so that i can leave my job, yet getting paid and my 13th month bonus! hey, this sum of money meant a lot to me though! and i always enjoy rotting with you in sparkc;
Shuxian (my buddy) who is my pillar throughout my part-time studies while still working as an instructor. and i don't think i can survive my studies without you by my side! i enjoy your company and talking to you. thank you for being so patient and being my listening ear when i kept rattering on and on and on....;
Ellen, who i think i really do owe you an apology for not being there with you when you gave birth to Kerlyn;
Annie (my karaoke buddy) and oh, so many times i miss singing karaoke during my stay here! and i will always rmember you as my good old partner during our ISP ad our 21-days course. thank you so much for vetting my assignments for me. without you, i dun think i can finish my projects thus far;
Sharon CBT (my Singaporean new reporter) who never fail to SMS me on the latest gossips in OBS and of course, the Singapore news. thanks for pushing me in pace with the development back home) and i am so so honored that you will spend effort in updating me. i really enjoy reading your SMSes and sometimes i will just teared in front of my handphone;
and lastly,
Phyllis (a.k.a. the evil step-mother), who hold my hands and lead me through my baby steps during my first few months in OBS. you are my role model, and i once dreamt of becoming such an outstanding instructor just like you back then. (hahaha....the key word is 'back then'). OK, joking lah! thank you for being my mentor during my years as an instructor.
i would also like to thank my ladies, whom i dreamt of them always, eating sushi and gossiping about life. without them, life will be so boring that i will fall asleep on myself. these gals helped me to become fatter, =) because of my regular eating sessions with them - nana, vivian, debbie, xiuxiang, shuyun, chiewling. well of course beside the gals, i have hunks who are always there for me. i know they will help me if i call out to them - hiap luh (who stayed up with me at my place on my departure day, helping me to pack my gigantic backpack until 3 am in the morning before going to the airport), brandon ( Hey, i still remember the day we talked until 3 am in the morning outside ParkMall on the day before you flew over to NZ), melvin (in a faraway land of the kangaroos, flying across the clear blue skies) and CKC (who is so close, yet so far).
thank you so much, to my many other friends, which is quite impossible for me to list down you guys in this big list. (hey, not to brag about my circle of friends ok? haha) well, as long as you get hold to the address of my blog, you are the person whom i want to thank, for listening to my stories and sending all your well-wishes all the way from home.
thank you so much for being part of my journey and i would like to dedicate these stories to all of you.
i would also like to thank this very special person, who is always there for me throughout my journey. thank you cui'e, for listening to me, for being such a caring friend. thank you for all the concerns you have shown. i have learnt a lot from you and i will continue to. thank you so much for the patience you have exercised towards me throughout this trip. thank you so much for your wonderful friendship. i am glad that we have known each other in a deeper level.
Lastly, i would like to thank God, who is always by my side, yet i have, so many times forsaken Him and His love. it is only when i am here alone, i began to think about Him and could really really felt His love, engulfing me. always there to protect me from danger and each time i encountered a difficult situation, i know that God will always pull me through, and He did!
i would like to thank my friends from OBS. i would like to call them friends and not colleagues anymore because they are never my colleagues, but someone as close as my family members. this thanks goes out to all the M3. you guys are my pillars of support during my stay in OBS. i am deeply indebted to you people. thanks for moulding me into the person who i am now. thanks for staying with me when i need help or someone to talk to. i shall specially mention your names and this blog goes out to you guys -
Jacob (for keeping me in prayers, and being someone whom i really really look up to. you are someone who is like an older brother, always keeping an eye on me and remind me when i stray away);
LJ, who helped me apply for my leave so that i can leave my job, yet getting paid and my 13th month bonus! hey, this sum of money meant a lot to me though! and i always enjoy rotting with you in sparkc;
Shuxian (my buddy) who is my pillar throughout my part-time studies while still working as an instructor. and i don't think i can survive my studies without you by my side! i enjoy your company and talking to you. thank you for being so patient and being my listening ear when i kept rattering on and on and on....;
Ellen, who i think i really do owe you an apology for not being there with you when you gave birth to Kerlyn;
Annie (my karaoke buddy) and oh, so many times i miss singing karaoke during my stay here! and i will always rmember you as my good old partner during our ISP ad our 21-days course. thank you so much for vetting my assignments for me. without you, i dun think i can finish my projects thus far;
Sharon CBT (my Singaporean new reporter) who never fail to SMS me on the latest gossips in OBS and of course, the Singapore news. thanks for pushing me in pace with the development back home) and i am so so honored that you will spend effort in updating me. i really enjoy reading your SMSes and sometimes i will just teared in front of my handphone;
and lastly,
Phyllis (a.k.a. the evil step-mother), who hold my hands and lead me through my baby steps during my first few months in OBS. you are my role model, and i once dreamt of becoming such an outstanding instructor just like you back then. (hahaha....the key word is 'back then'). OK, joking lah! thank you for being my mentor during my years as an instructor.
i would also like to thank my ladies, whom i dreamt of them always, eating sushi and gossiping about life. without them, life will be so boring that i will fall asleep on myself. these gals helped me to become fatter, =) because of my regular eating sessions with them - nana, vivian, debbie, xiuxiang, shuyun, chiewling. well of course beside the gals, i have hunks who are always there for me. i know they will help me if i call out to them - hiap luh (who stayed up with me at my place on my departure day, helping me to pack my gigantic backpack until 3 am in the morning before going to the airport), brandon ( Hey, i still remember the day we talked until 3 am in the morning outside ParkMall on the day before you flew over to NZ), melvin (in a faraway land of the kangaroos, flying across the clear blue skies) and CKC (who is so close, yet so far).
thank you so much, to my many other friends, which is quite impossible for me to list down you guys in this big list. (hey, not to brag about my circle of friends ok? haha) well, as long as you get hold to the address of my blog, you are the person whom i want to thank, for listening to my stories and sending all your well-wishes all the way from home.
thank you so much for being part of my journey and i would like to dedicate these stories to all of you.
i would also like to thank this very special person, who is always there for me throughout my journey. thank you cui'e, for listening to me, for being such a caring friend. thank you for all the concerns you have shown. i have learnt a lot from you and i will continue to. thank you so much for the patience you have exercised towards me throughout this trip. thank you so much for your wonderful friendship. i am glad that we have known each other in a deeper level.
Lastly, i would like to thank God, who is always by my side, yet i have, so many times forsaken Him and His love. it is only when i am here alone, i began to think about Him and could really really felt His love, engulfing me. always there to protect me from danger and each time i encountered a difficult situation, i know that God will always pull me through, and He did!
Monday, 28 May 2007
History of my time
I stepped into this land of dragons since 6th Dec 2006. As for why did I choose this country to go, I cannot explain to myself either.Well, I used to hate this place a lot because my parents always wanted me to visit China since I was a young girl. They felt that I should know my roots and my ancestors too. However, after hearing so many horrible tales about this country, I have decided that I will not step into this place. Now, I have to eat back my words. I am here. I don’t know why, but I thought God has sent me into this land for a reason.
Initially, I came here because I wanted to escape something back in Singapore. I wanted to run away from unpleasant memories I had back at home and came to this far away land. Maybe to restart my life, or maybe just to take a little break from life. And so, I resigned my job and pack up and go. I bought a one-way ticket with a year's worth of visa.
I was glad that my friends were with me at the airport, sending me off. I checked in, with a stalk of sunflower in my hand, and my backpack was really heavy, with excessive baggages of life, memories and of course heavy with lots of love from my friends.
Many thanks to all my friends out there, for starting out this journey with me. It is really a fortune to be well-blessed with so many people who care. How I wish they can see what I see when I am here in china. The only thing I can do is to take a lot of pictures so that I can share what I see with my friends back at home.
Initially, I came here because I wanted to escape something back in Singapore. I wanted to run away from unpleasant memories I had back at home and came to this far away land. Maybe to restart my life, or maybe just to take a little break from life. And so, I resigned my job and pack up and go. I bought a one-way ticket with a year's worth of visa.
I was glad that my friends were with me at the airport, sending me off. I checked in, with a stalk of sunflower in my hand, and my backpack was really heavy, with excessive baggages of life, memories and of course heavy with lots of love from my friends.
Many thanks to all my friends out there, for starting out this journey with me. It is really a fortune to be well-blessed with so many people who care. How I wish they can see what I see when I am here in china. The only thing I can do is to take a lot of pictures so that I can share what I see with my friends back at home.
my first publish in china
My first publish
After being in china for so long, and after being psycho-ed by all my friends to start up a blog to pen down my journey, I have decided to take my first step, which is to start up a blog to record everything. As all my friends know, I am very low in my 'purpose' and I am not a finisher...well, maybe except in running marathon. Thus, I don’t know how long I can sustain this blog. Of course, as long as I have time, I will try my utmost best to find a 'wang-ba' (means internet cafe) and pen down everything, those things I have seen with my untrained urban eyes and heart. I pray that God will finish this China journey with me together, and lead me to the place He wants me to serve.
After being in china for so long, and after being psycho-ed by all my friends to start up a blog to pen down my journey, I have decided to take my first step, which is to start up a blog to record everything. As all my friends know, I am very low in my 'purpose' and I am not a finisher...well, maybe except in running marathon. Thus, I don’t know how long I can sustain this blog. Of course, as long as I have time, I will try my utmost best to find a 'wang-ba' (means internet cafe) and pen down everything, those things I have seen with my untrained urban eyes and heart. I pray that God will finish this China journey with me together, and lead me to the place He wants me to serve.
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