5th August 2008
A day like any other ordinary day.
It has been quite sometime since i log in to blog. As mentioned, i am not a blogger, more of a person who enjoys writing journal than electronic stuffs.
last year this time, i am in Tibet, celebrating my 30th birthday..its quite an interesting feeling, celebrating the crossing of the 'bar' in another foreign land.
I could still remember the musical candle with sparkers, shaped like a lotus flower and the gigantic cream cake bought for me by a local Tibetan (see picture above). i reminded myself that i will just try to finish the cake to show my appreication and gratitute and portray myself as a good Singaporean who will not allow any food gone to waste....
and as i was eating the cake and glad that the day was celebrated, i am thinking...why this day is special? as any other ordinary day, it is just the same as like any other days for many billions of people around the world. This could be a day when someone lost his or her beloved partner, or it could be a day when someone in the world is reminded of bad memories.
People are still going to office to work, people are still rushing to and fro during peak working hours...people are still dying everywhere...lives of everyone still goes on...
I reckon that the birthday of everyone, is a day, to celebrate that you are born on this Earth with a divine purpose planned at the very beginning. it is a day to do a self-check (although we should be doing that regularly..haha), a day to ask yourself, have you do what you are suppose to do? have you fulfilled your life purposes, to touch others and to share the joy with others?
it might just be any other ordinary day to many others, but for myself, a day to reflect and check back on what i have been doing for the past 1 year. and as each birthday passes, and as i aged, i began to celebrate that i am still as healthy as previous year and i will not take that for granted.
i am blessed with many friends, who are always there for me..who stay with me through thick and thin. i am thankful to God, who give me this special day to be able to serve Him. Every year on this day, is a day for me to become closer who i gonna be.
Any day will be special, as long as we think it is...